
Atoll Türkiye

Apic Toll Antalya processing LC FeCr slag was founded in Antalya in May 2007, Investment started November 2007 and plants commissioned and started up on 1 March 2008. Crushing plant capacity was 500ᅠtph, the jigging plant capacity was 100tph, jigs operated by effective capacity of 78tph.

The Jigs monthly processing capacity was 45.000 tons and the annual capacity was 500.000 tons. The Jig operates 7 days per week and 24 hours per day. Apic Toll Antalya project finished as of end of 2011 and processed 1.800. 000 tons of LC Ferrochrome slag during the project life. At the moment Apic Toll Turkey Branch gives technical and logistic services to Atoll’s Eurasia Mining & Mineral Processing Operations by own Logistic and Test Centre and experienced team.

IMCET 2015 – 24th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey

We are the sponsor company of IMCET 2015 Mining Congress which has been organised in Antalya. During the congress Atoll as a sponsor company, we have presented & introduced our company very well and organised a technical trip to our Research & Development Center.

Mining Turkey Fair 2014, November, Istanbul

Atoll Turkey will attend Mining Turkey 2014 Fair which is the most comprehensive fair of the mining sector in Eurasia, will bring together mineral exploration, production, enrichment, valuation technologies and services for the 6th time.

October 2013, IMCET

Turkey attended the International Coal Congress in Istanbul. The goal of this Congress being held in Turkey for the first time, was to provide exchange of know-how, experience and recent developments in the field of coal preparation and coal technologies.

Antalya, Türkiye Plant